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Hotel Overshare

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Oh and speaking of being sexxxxy.. I WAS going to write a post about I seem to have the ever expanding belly and that 4.567 pounds seems to be growing rather rapidly and how my stomach seems to be all jiggly sort of like a third breast and that I could use a stomach bra and how I was going to make millions with the stomach bra and then I found out that they made those already so perhaps it was time to get me one.

And then a pair of pants that are usually too loose on me actually are uncomfortably tight and, no, there is no way that I'm pregnant and I got so cranky about it all that I decided to not write anything funny about it at all but just write this instead and now here I am and you know it's a bad sign when you are cruising the internet for maternity paraphenalia and you aren't fucking pregnant but just think all that stuff looks really comfortable.


I've just been watching some 'videos' of the current 'hits' that the 'kids' are 'listening' to these days. Gotta get the '411' as the 'kids' 'say'. Har har.

Apparently, in order to be very SEXXXXY now-a-days one (if your a woman) must have very long hair that she VERY VERY AGGRESSIVELY flips forward and then back. Repeatedly.

And many many many deep knee bends. Also aggressive.

Up and then down. Bend those knees! AGGRESSIVE! Hair! Forward and back! AGGRESSIVE! Aggressive stripper moves AGGRESSIVE!!!!



So, please take note for your next session of SEXXXY 'lovemaking'.

Good day.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Yeah, you may think I'm a bitch, but no, you can't borrow a pen.


If your compatriots had been responsible with their pen borrowing privledges, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation, would we?

If your fellow students had thought about the consequences their selfish actions would have on their demographic AS A WHOLE and hadn't taken all my pens from me AND MY TAPE DESPENSER FOR TWO SEMESTERS IN A ROW, you could borrow my pen.

But they didn't. And you can't.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Some people? Some people are REALLY REALLY FUCKING WEIRD.

Like REALLY weird.

Like "let's do a documentary on this dude because no one will believe he's for real" weird.

Super fucking weird.

And that's coming from someone who would know.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Remember back when I had that other job and had to deal with clients all the time and would often times do or say things that were somewhat embarrassing?

Hugging the client? Asking them to marry me?


Perhaps you thought with this new job, all that had gone away. No more 'unfortunate incidences' having to do with my foot ramming itself into my mouth.

Oh, perhaps you did think that. But perhaps you'd be very very wrong.

Yes, today, just now, I totally humiliated myself in front of my bosses boss. Oh yes. The legend of Twicksie continues.

As some of you may know, I am having some 'trouble' at my condo due to some disruptive construction happening in my neighbors condo below me. No one is there to manage this fiasco, so I am left with damaged property and being the one that has to call up everyone to get the things they fuck up fixed.

I have spent a considerable amount of time, money, and energy on this which is ironic, due to the fact that MY CONDO IS NOT BEING WORKED ON. ahem... It has been very stressful and has caused me to loose some sleep due to the anxiety and worry about my house potentially burning down due to some contractor's fuck up.

Perhaps my home will burn whilst I am sleeping, I think to myself. How will I get the cats out of the third floor of a burning building? Should I throw them out a third floor windo or try to stuff them in my special 'fire bag'* that I have fashioned for them?

The whole matter has made me more than a little batty and out of it, so it's no wonder the following thing occured.

I had just been IM'ing with my boyfriend (a one Mr. jjohn, extrodinaire) about JUST this very topic (whether to throw the cats or to bag 'em) when my bosses boss came by to check in with me.

He had seen me earlier in the morning coming in from SWEATING MY LABIAL LIPS off and I was muttering angry phrases about Jesus and how hot is was out. As he often does, he came by to inquire as to how my day was going and to see what the latest tale of woe was concerning my home improvements by proxy nightmare.

As he walked up, I had been IM'ing which is not explicitly 'not allowed' but not exactly considered a 'good idea' by the institution that employs me and my screen was sort of facing in a direction where he might have seen that I was doing so. So, I wanted to keep his eyes on me, and not on my screen and was somewhat distracted by that.

I was also distracted by the fact that I had just been IM'ing with my boyfriend and so he was on my mind to some degree as well.

Have I mentioned that I haven't been sleeping well?

Yeah, right.. So. So, I go on and on to my bosses boss about how the nightmare continues at my house and it's all so frustrating and I'm not sleeping and blahblahblah..

Oh, before I continue, have I mentioned that my 'desk' is out in the library where everyone can hear and see what I'm doing? And there's a row full of students at the computers not 10 feet away from this whole interaction? Have I mentioned that? No? Oh well, my bad. Please consider it mentioned.

So, the conversation is coming to a close between me and my bosses boss and I do a quick glance over to my screen to see if jjohn has typed anything else and have a split second of spacing out between that and saying the following thing (to my bosses boss):

"All I know is don't by a condom..."

And there it was. The complete deafening silence that occurs RIGHT after something VERY VERY MISTAKEN AND WRONG comes out of your mouth hole. I call it the silence AFTER the storm.

I had been a little spacey so hadn't even realized at first that I had said it. After a few painful moments, I stopped, focused back on his shocked and reddened face and said:

"Wait? Did I just say condom?"

"Why, yes, yes you did."


"I'd say that's good advice for both those things."

Oh my god. I immediately turned VERY BRIGHT RED, pathetically tried to remind my bosses boss that I was very very tired and then informed him that I would be blushing profusely for the next six hours.

But on second thought, I'd like to make that ten hours. For the next ten hours.

If I don't die of embarrassment first.

* my 'fire bag' is a whole different embarrassing story. When I lived in NYC and was recently unemployed, I began to worry quite a bit about quite alot. I had alot of time on my hands, not working and all and was drinking far fewer martinis. I realized I didn't have a good escape plan for me and my three cats should a fire break out at my condo (in Jersey City, JC IN THE HOUSE!). So, I sauntered into Paragon Sports one day and began looking for an appropriate bag that I could STUFF all three cats in and strap on should a fire break out. I had many needs and specifications for this bag so was taking some time looking around the bag section of the store. I took so long looking that eventually an employee came by to ask if I needed any help.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for a large duffel bag that can also be worn as a back pack."

"How big does it need to be?"

"Well, um.. pretty big..."

"Like this big?"

"No, bigger."

"Do you mind me asking what you'll be using it for?"

At this point, I became silent for a good minute or so.

"Um.. well, I uh.. I need something big enough to stuff three 15 - 20 pound cats into."

I saw a moment of concern flash across his eyes but then, it IS New York, so I'm sure he'd heard worse.

I then proceeded to explain to him my plan for the bag and how it would need to be tough enough to allow me to punch air holes in it, enough so that the cats wouldn't scratch their way out, and waterproof would also be nice, seeing one of the felines in question had a little bit of a nervous bladder.

He clearly thought I was COMPLETELY insane, but actually found me the PERFECT bag. I bought it, put rivited holes into it and it lives under my bed to this very day. It helps me sleep at night.

And no, the cats and I have NOT had a test run because it will be much harder to get them in the damn bag if they know what it's for.

Brain Power Limitations

Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower. Ican'tcontroltheworldwithmybrainpower.

deep deep breath.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I think there's something really really really wrong with me.

I think I might have a crush on David Hasselhoff.

Ask me about MY talent, Mr. Hasselhoff. Go ahead, ask me...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Alll the little animals of the world need to shut up their little tiny fucking noise holes.

All the little birdies need to STOP TWEETING.

All the little doggies need to STOP FUCKING BARKING.

And all the little kitties need to STOP MEOWING.

Shhhhhhhh... little animals. SHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... time for sleeeeeeping...

Especially the little birdies. Shut your fucking tweet holes. SHUT THEMSHUTTHEMSHUTTHEM.

I mean YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ARMS. Not even FAKE front leg arms. Maybe that's what you're tweeting about, BUT WE ALL KNOW ALREADY SO SHUT IT.

When you are trying to nap, little birdies, I am going to come to your little birdy homes and stand there and CHATTER INCESSANTLY about how my day went, what I ate for dinner, maybe do a little mating call (get ready jjohn, hehe), you know, just talkandtalkandtalkandtalk.

Then you'll see how YOU like it.

Little fuckers.

I think I'm going to have squab for dinner JUST BECAUSE I CAN.

Middle finger to you birdies! Middle finger to YOU!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

If you, dear reader (for some reason I feel like referring to everyone as 'dear reader', I know not why, so please bare with me. Or is it 'bear' with me? Or bare? Bear? Bare? LET'S CALL THE WHOLE THING OFF! oh GOSH, I'm sooooo funny.. ahem.), are planning on having a party or 'function' that calls for tiny little cocktail umbrellas and live in the Boston area, here's a handy list of place THEY DON'T EXIST:

- Shaw's supermarkets
- Stop and Shop Supermarkets
- Bed, Bath and Beyond
- Walgreens
- ANY liquor stores - none.

These are many of the places I looked for these little fuckers all last night and you know what I found? I found that iParty (located on Soldier's Field Road, for those of you who give a shit and might seriously need those little umbrellas for something. You know what I say? FUCK those little umbrellas.. FUCK THEM.) seems to have taken a GIGANTOR little umbrella vacuum and set it to 11 and SUCKED all the little umbrellas in the greater Boston area right into their store. Onto a hook. On a wall. In the very very very back of the store.

They are the little umbrella kingpins. The little umbrella mafia. The little umbrella cartelle. The little umbrella monopoly, if you will.

But not anymore. Because now I have them. All of them. In my car. In the trunk. Downstairs. In the garage.


I am. THAT'S who. YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think maybe iParty needs to say my name now. And so do all those little BITCH-ASS umbrellas.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today is the sort of day that, if I had children, I would probably beat them.

And if I had a bottle of tequila in my desk drawer, I would probably be nursing that puppy all day.


Monday, July 10, 2006

My *almost* favorite part about the the slideshow on Flickr of the 'photo shoot' that took place last night is the title of the page when you link to it.

It reads, and I quote:

twicksie's dirty fur slide show on Flickr

It doesn't get much better than that, now does it?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

As a postmortem to my 34 Candles saga, I should share with you the following things:

1. Instead of a birthday cake from Jake on my birthday, I got flowers from jjohn. JUST as good. Better, even. Things don't always turn out as badly as you think they will. Thank fucking god.

2. You may have noticed that I haven't been posting much recently. Yeah, I've been busy with 'Jake'. Being smitten takes time people, it takes time!

3. As a way of saying 'yes you are old', God decided I should throw my back out. Muscle relaxants are fancy. Now I have a crown on my tooth and have had severe debilitating back pain. I can talk about my chiropractor and my PT appointments. I am truly an adult.

4. Jake and did a little photo shoot Paris Hilton style.. Have a look:


awww yeah....

Monday, July 03, 2006

So, I am getting older.. as one does and as a woman of 34, apparently I am supposed to start feeling an ache in my heart and soul to bear children.

I am supposed to look at babies and feel my whole BEING want for my own offspring.

I am supposed to YEARN to be knocked up. And how!

But, you know what? When I see babies now? All I can think about is how much cuter they'd be if they were covered with fur, walked on all fours, and meowed. Oh and were actually cats.

It's true. I think cats and dogs are cuter than human babies.

Maybe I need to arrange having a litter... THAT actually sounds delightful!

What's that say about my biological clock, eh?