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Hotel Overshare

Monday, July 03, 2006

So, I am getting older.. as one does and as a woman of 34, apparently I am supposed to start feeling an ache in my heart and soul to bear children.

I am supposed to look at babies and feel my whole BEING want for my own offspring.

I am supposed to YEARN to be knocked up. And how!

But, you know what? When I see babies now? All I can think about is how much cuter they'd be if they were covered with fur, walked on all fours, and meowed. Oh and were actually cats.

It's true. I think cats and dogs are cuter than human babies.

Maybe I need to arrange having a litter... THAT actually sounds delightful!

What's that say about my biological clock, eh?


  • YOU are going to become a CRAZY CAT LADY.

    I, on the other hand, appear to be on the normal baby-envy track.

    I wonder which one of us will go over the edge first.

    By Blogger Skye Xyan, at 7:37 PM  

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