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Hotel Overshare

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ok so, MySpace sort of sucks.

And not for the reason you think I'm going to say. Like "oooh all those pedophiles have free access to all the little pre-teens they want."

No, that is not my concern.

No, my concern is how FUCKING UGLY IT IS.

Jesus! Are we in 1996? Could there be more fugly animated gifs and weird horrifying layouts with awful content obscuring backgrounds? I mean MY GOD. MY GOD IN HEAVEN IT'S UGLY.

I could write a whole THESIS on how it's taken web design back a good 10 years and how utterly offensive it is to my visual sense. Not to mention usability. Yeah, I'd love to SCROLL FOR LIKE 15 MINUTES TO SEE IF YOU'RE SINGLE OR NOT. I'd *love* to. Can we have the important stats up top, please? Above all of the ENORMOUS GIFS of all of your favorite movie posters that show what a stupid tasteless moron you are?

Sure, you can customize it to make it look LESS ugly. But really, it's pretty damn ugly no matter what you do. That strict two column layout that just scrolls down forever, the hard edges on the various boxes and outlines, the varied size of one's friend icons all wiggity and shit, fucking up the layout of things.. The ability to post comments with a photo the SIZE OF AFRICA. I don't need to see that spiderman dancing animated gif QUITE that big, but thanks. The font choices seem tragic, the icons are just like straight out of a clip art library from like 1992, oh MAN, now I'm getting all agitated just thinking about it. AGITATED!

It's no wonder that the youngsters like it, because seriously, it looks like some 7th grader, no no, A 5TH GRADER, did the code for it. And the potential for it to look like some fucked up scrap book of a 11 year old is really really high.

Honestly, I just really don't want to know that you have such bad taste. I really don't. And I don't think the world should have to know either. So, keep your fairy backgrounds and your creepy pictures of animals with human faces photoshopped on them AWAY FROM ME.

And go buy yourself a pair of Sketchers while you're at it. You deserve each other.

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