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Hotel Overshare

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I was sitting in my 'office' (if you want to know why that's in quotes, well.. you'll never know, unless you know me, in which case, you'll find it somewhat amusing. not like TOTALLY amusing, but somewhat).

Ok, so I was sitting in my 'office' where the heat seems to have stopped working and I realized something. It's sorta gross, so if you're squeamish about um.. genitalia, you might want to stop reading now.

So, I realized that the female equivalent of saying you are freezing your balls off is to say you are freezing your labia off. Or like labial flaps, or something horrifying like that.

Did she just say 'labial flaps'? Oh yes, yes she did.

I'm all for like reclaiming vocabulary relating to female genitalia and making it not seem so 'icky', but I dunno... I think that is just a little too much.

And so, dear reader, this is why I decided to share it with you. Enjoy!

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