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Hotel Overshare

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's time to play "Today in the Library's Bathroom!" also known as "What the Fuck is That? Should I Be Worried?".

So, today in the library's bathroom, inside the one stall (it's a one size fits all stall for the able bodied and not so able bodied alike) on the beige tile floor, is a small puddle of liquid with one unfolded paper towel placed *sort of* but not really next to it.

The paper towel placement brings the following questions to my mind: Is the placement random and coincidental? Was there MORE liquid and it was wiped up and this little puddle is all that remains from a hasty clean up job where this final paper towel was left, because MY GOD was there ALOT of liquid and this little puddle is NOTHING compared to the ENORMOUS DELUGE that preceeded it? Was the paper towel thrown down to soak it up and missed? So many many questions?

And then you might want to know that this little puddle is next to a drain in the floor, as it is one of those bathrooms that is tiled and has a slight tilt to the floor towards a drain in the stall. And once you know that, you might start to think (or *I* might) that perhaps there was quite a good deal MORE of this liquid originally and that *most* of it has gone down the drain but there is a leeeetle bit left hangin' around. And then you (or I) might think, from whence (?) did this LARGE amount of liquid come from this grand Tuesday morning? I see no bucket from whence it could come. Only a toilet. From whence. It could come. Ew.

The puddle MAY or MAY NOT be made of clear liquid, IT IS UNCLEAR (huh huh, get it, 'unclear'? I'M A GENIOUS!). Also, the stall is very big and it is NO WHERE near the actual toilet.

And as far as I can tell, it doesn't smell.


UPDATE! The paper towel is still there, but the puddle has evaporated. (I think, or been 'wiped up' by an unknown party). I don't think regular water evaporates that fast. Does it?

Now for the second part of our game! "What the Fuck is (Was) That? Should I Be Worried?"


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