So, I'm feeling cranky and very prolific right now (I hope to god that's the right word, I'm not very 'vocab savvy' sometimes) so let's get this party started, shall we?
Ok, first post!
Has anyone noticed that the world is turning into a big porno?
But, of course, mostly for the women in our audience, the men get to just be the observer, as usual. There are some exceptions to this, but let's be real.
There aren't any T.V. shows on where there's a heavy set woman who is average looking that is married to a totally smoking hot guy. I don't have to tell you there are plenty where the opposite is true.
I mean like everyone (and when I say 'everyone' I don't even know who I mean, people I see on the street, I guess, out at bars, on the T, I dunno) wants to be the hottttttest teen sluttt ever.
The way technology and the idea that people have these personas online to portray themselves however they want, and most of them want to get a good score on 'am I hot or not'.
I'm not saying this just because I'm some bitter dried up old hag (even though I am, ahem), but because like whatever happened to all the other aspects of being an interesting human being?
Extreme makeovers give people with INTERESTING AWESOME FACES the chance to look like fucking Miss Teen Slut USA.
Those shows would give the MONA LISA A CHIN IMPLANT AND SOME NICE VENEERS. ugh..
Goddamn reality shows blurring the line between who's a professional teen slut and who's a real one.
But like, when did that become so great? When did it become considered cool to only be interesting because you're fuckable? Jesus, even the hippies have a weird porn slut edge these days.
God, whatever happened to being a real goddamn person, like with flaws that are cool and charming?
Maybe I'm romanticizing the 70's, but even in the 80's, THE 80's! I feel like it was still considered a bad thing to be shallow.
I saw an old movie the other day where someone was worried that people would think they were shallow. I remember thinking,"Why does that seem weird?" and it's because 'shallow' is barely in the cultural vocabulary anymore, at least in it's original negative form.
It's like 'Yeah, I'm shallow' as in you won't date no ugly fat chicks. *High five*!, asshole.
Doesn't anyone read Jane Austin anymore? Charlotte Bronte?
And don't get me started about what happened to feminism... What *did* happen? I know that we have evolved from the idea that women that want to be taken seriously and who are interested in being fully actualized human beings aren't unshaven she-males, but do they have to be porn stars now?
It's so sad and fucked up. We have more power than we have ever had, more money, more ability to take care of ourselves, and so because the insecure consumer is a spending consumer, because our daddy's didn't pay enough attention to us, and because it's the last way to make us feel like shit, now we have to all look like Jenna Jameson too. Or be a girl gone wild, or whateverthefuck.
If it truly were about women exploring their sexuality and their sexual power, it would be something to celebrate. I don't really even believe in the word 'slut', I think we should be able to screw as many people as we damn well please (just so long as it doesn't get all Michael Douglas sexaddict up in there). But it doesn't feel empowering to me. I think it's only empowering to people that feel like they live up to whatever standard is being held up for us to reach for, and I don't know anyone that feels like they do.
So, now it's not enough to be smart and successful, you also have to make plenty sure that you really really hot too.
I know this woman who is smart and seemingly very successful, competent and moving up in her profession, but she is OBSESSED with being 'bikini ready'. She won't eat in front of men. Actually, she won't eat in front of ANYONE. She goes on popcorn and soy shake diets. She spends so much time and effort making sure that she is 'hot', that if she didn't give quite as much of a shit about it she could seriously be the next president of the United States. The saddest thing of all is, NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE SEEM TO THINK SHE'S FUCKING CRAZY.
Better just give up that job and the right to vote, because what's the point if you haven't been selected to 'compete' on the next season of 'The Bachelor'?
Because what the hell are you worth if no one wants to stick their dick into you?
Or perhaps I should rephrase that..
What the hell are you worth if EVERYONE doesn't want to stick their dick into you?
Ladies, if you aren't seriously being considered for a worldwide gangbang, better throw in the towel now, because you're fucked, and not in a porn way.
I told you I was cranky.
Ok, first post!
Has anyone noticed that the world is turning into a big porno?
But, of course, mostly for the women in our audience, the men get to just be the observer, as usual. There are some exceptions to this, but let's be real.
There aren't any T.V. shows on where there's a heavy set woman who is average looking that is married to a totally smoking hot guy. I don't have to tell you there are plenty where the opposite is true.
I mean like everyone (and when I say 'everyone' I don't even know who I mean, people I see on the street, I guess, out at bars, on the T, I dunno) wants to be the hottttttest teen sluttt ever.
The way technology and the idea that people have these personas online to portray themselves however they want, and most of them want to get a good score on 'am I hot or not'.
I'm not saying this just because I'm some bitter dried up old hag (even though I am, ahem), but because like whatever happened to all the other aspects of being an interesting human being?
Extreme makeovers give people with INTERESTING AWESOME FACES the chance to look like fucking Miss Teen Slut USA.
Those shows would give the MONA LISA A CHIN IMPLANT AND SOME NICE VENEERS. ugh..
Goddamn reality shows blurring the line between who's a professional teen slut and who's a real one.
But like, when did that become so great? When did it become considered cool to only be interesting because you're fuckable? Jesus, even the hippies have a weird porn slut edge these days.
God, whatever happened to being a real goddamn person, like with flaws that are cool and charming?
Maybe I'm romanticizing the 70's, but even in the 80's, THE 80's! I feel like it was still considered a bad thing to be shallow.
I saw an old movie the other day where someone was worried that people would think they were shallow. I remember thinking,"Why does that seem weird?" and it's because 'shallow' is barely in the cultural vocabulary anymore, at least in it's original negative form.
It's like 'Yeah, I'm shallow' as in you won't date no ugly fat chicks. *High five*!, asshole.
Doesn't anyone read Jane Austin anymore? Charlotte Bronte?
And don't get me started about what happened to feminism... What *did* happen? I know that we have evolved from the idea that women that want to be taken seriously and who are interested in being fully actualized human beings aren't unshaven she-males, but do they have to be porn stars now?
It's so sad and fucked up. We have more power than we have ever had, more money, more ability to take care of ourselves, and so because the insecure consumer is a spending consumer, because our daddy's didn't pay enough attention to us, and because it's the last way to make us feel like shit, now we have to all look like Jenna Jameson too. Or be a girl gone wild, or whateverthefuck.
If it truly were about women exploring their sexuality and their sexual power, it would be something to celebrate. I don't really even believe in the word 'slut', I think we should be able to screw as many people as we damn well please (just so long as it doesn't get all Michael Douglas sexaddict up in there). But it doesn't feel empowering to me. I think it's only empowering to people that feel like they live up to whatever standard is being held up for us to reach for, and I don't know anyone that feels like they do.
So, now it's not enough to be smart and successful, you also have to make plenty sure that you really really hot too.
I know this woman who is smart and seemingly very successful, competent and moving up in her profession, but she is OBSESSED with being 'bikini ready'. She won't eat in front of men. Actually, she won't eat in front of ANYONE. She goes on popcorn and soy shake diets. She spends so much time and effort making sure that she is 'hot', that if she didn't give quite as much of a shit about it she could seriously be the next president of the United States. The saddest thing of all is, NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE SEEM TO THINK SHE'S FUCKING CRAZY.
Better just give up that job and the right to vote, because what's the point if you haven't been selected to 'compete' on the next season of 'The Bachelor'?
Because what the hell are you worth if no one wants to stick their dick into you?
Or perhaps I should rephrase that..
What the hell are you worth if EVERYONE doesn't want to stick their dick into you?
Ladies, if you aren't seriously being considered for a worldwide gangbang, better throw in the towel now, because you're fucked, and not in a porn way.
I told you I was cranky.
You have one hell of a point. I'm wondering, too, what happened to intelligence. Seems like it's all glorification of bimboism, as though everything's been reduced to its lowest common denominator. That's sad. That means the only women worth talking to are either over 35 or in academic circles. Sheesh.
For The Trees, at 10:25 PM
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