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Hotel Overshare

Friday, July 01, 2005

Couple of things:

1. Women who wear 'clear' or 'beige' 'pantyhose' are so very seriously misguided. ALSO! Those who wear these with SANDALS are committing a crime SO HEINOUS I don't know where to begin.

Why is it usually someone who *just might* be from Russia or some other slavic country? Bad times at Ridgemont High ladies. Bad times. Let's learn from our new country and surroundings. Please, for the good of all of us. "Sandlefoot" is just a description, not directions for how to wear them. ugh.

2. My guitar teacher, a "mellow" hippy type who is actually full of the most rage I've ever seen, as hippy types often are, which makes pretty fun to be around, had the following rant about a certain cult that famous people are in (and it's not of jewish origin, ahem). Apparently he doesn't watch T.V. but the whole Tom Cruise thing has made it to his cultural consciousness, which is says alot about how fucked up and over the top the Tom Cruise thing is. Put a lid on it Tommy-boy, a lid.

So, apparently when he (my teacher, not Tom Cruise, although maybe him too, one never knows) as a young laddy in New York, got sort of interested in these folks and took some classes and their personality test, etc. As you do.

After taking a few of the classes, me thinks the young version of my guitar teacher caught a distinct whiff of the bullshit and decided he wanted his money back from one of the classes.

This is where the good part comes in, as my teacher began this part of the story, my eyes widened with fear.. They then took him INTO A ROOM ALONE (don't worry, his anus stayed safe. Anus safety at all times, thank god) and said the following thing to him:

The end is coming soon. Very soon. And when that end comes, people will be coming to us to get this knowledge we possess. (Here's the best part) They will be coming WITH SHEEP TO BARTER FOR OUR KNOWLEDGE. (That's right! WITH SHEEP) and when you come (assuming he had a sheep with him, I suppose) we will TURN YOU (and your scrumptialicious sheep) away to fend for yourself.

Oh. my. god. Needless to say, he got his money back.

Apparently, the sheep is just the tip of the iceburg.


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